Identifying Negative Violence Exposure on Social Media in Teens
What is the goal of this study?
We want to learn about teen's experiences seeing content about violence online and its impact on teen mental health and sleep!
How long will the study take?
The total time it will take to participate in the study is about 1 month. This 1 month will include:
2 online study visits
An initial 45-60 minute survey
Answering 4 brief surveys and wearing a sleep monitoring watch for 28 days
A final 45-60 minute survey
Where is the study taking place?
totally remotely!
All study visits will be held online!
Who can participate?
In order to be eligible for this study, your teen must:
Be 13-18 years old
Fluent in English
Use social media daily
Live in New Jersey
Have seen any violence on social media in the past 3 months
What are the benefits of participating?
Providing your experiences will aid us in enhancing our knowledge about the impacts of exposure to violence on teen mental health, and help us work towards making
effective change.
Participants will be compensated for their time! Participation in this study is completely voluntary and all information will be kept confidential.
Contact the Study Team at: