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Proximal Risk for Suicidality among Adolescents at High-Risk for Suicide


Sleep Predicting Outcomes in Teens (SPOT)

With PIs Dr. Tina Goldstein and Dr. Peter Franzen, SPOT examines sleep as a proximal and modifiable risk factor for daily suicidal ideation and behavior among teens and emerging adults in an intensive outpatient program. Our current collaborations examine dynamic and temporal relationships between social stress, social media, and sleep in next-day suicidal ideation. 


Services for Teens at Risk (STAR) 

The STAR Center is co-directed by Dr. David Brent and Dr. Tina Goldstein, and provides evidence-based treatment and assessment for adolescents and emerging adults with depression and suicidality. Our current collaborations examine social media and sleep in risk for  near- term suicidal ideation and behavior.

Social Media, Sleep, and Mood across Development

Girls’ Interactions in Real Life: Study of Brain Development

Led by PIs: Dr. Jennifer Silk & Cecile Ladouceur, our current collaborations use ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to examine social and affective processes in risk for anxiety and depression among adolescents. Our current collaborations are focused on identifying for whom and when social media impacts sleep and mood, including a recent study examining patterns of these behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Youth Emotion and Brain Study  (YEBS)

YEBS (PI: Dr. Lauren Bylsma) examines neurobehavioral indices of emotional functioning and depression risk using EMA, behavioral tasks, and EEG. Our current collaborations examine social and affective processes and sleep among youth at high and low risk for depression based on a familial depression history. 

Judgement and experiences following Alcohol consumption in the Moment (JAM)

The JAM Study, led by Dr. Sarah Pedersen, examines how alcohol impacts how people feel and behave inside the laboratory and in their natural environments, and examines similarities and differences in the acute effects of alcohol between African American/Black and European American/White adults. Our current collaboration examines how social media (including quantity, timing of use, and racial discrimination) impacts sleep, mood, and alcohol use outcomes.


Youth Health and Social Media 

YHSM is a national research study conducted with adolescents and their parents/legal guardians led by Dr. Megan Moreno and the SMARHT Team. Our current collaboration examines social media, parental rules around technology, daytime sleepiness, and mood among teens. 

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Project RAISE is a large longitudinal school-based study with high school students led by Dr. Sophia Choukas-Bradley and conducted in collaboration with  Angela Duckworth’s Character Lab Research Network, Our team collaborates with Dr. Choukas-Bradley on the role of social media (duration, timing, experiences) and sleep in the context of adolescent development. 

Research Collaborators

  • Dr. Lauren Alloy (Department of Psychology, Temple University)

  • Dr. David Brent (Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh)

  • Dr. Taylor Burke (Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University)

  • Dr. Daniel Buysse (Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh)

  • Dr. Lauren Bylsma (Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh)

  • Dr. Sophia Choukas-Bradley (Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh)

  • Dr. Cassie Glenn (Department of Psychology, Old Dominion University)

  • Dr. Tina Goldstein (Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh)

  • Dr. Richard Liu (Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital)

  • Dr. Carissa Low (Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh)

  • Dr. Megan Moreno (Department of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

  • Dr. Jacqueline Nesi (Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University)

  • Dr. Sarah Pedersen (Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh)

  • Dr. Jennifer Silk (Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh)

  • Dr. Jonathan Stange (Department of Psychology, University of Southern California)

  • Dr. Rachel Vaughn-Coaxum (Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh)

We also actively work with the:

 Mobile Sensing + Health Institute (MOSHI)

 University of Pittsburgh Center for Sleep and Circadian Science


Rutgers Suicide Consortium

We are excited for future collaborations with other interdisciplinary teams! 

Jessica L. Hamilton, PhD
Department of Psychology
Rutgers University- New Brunswick
Tillett Hall on Livingston Campus

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